Effortlessly Detect RGB & HEX Values
Color Picker identifies RGB and HEX values of all colors without any errors, providing you with precise color code values.
The Color Picker Chrome extension operates seamlessly on both Windows and macOS without any lag.
Once you select the color code, Color Picker makes it easy to copy the RGB and HEX values.
With its simple user interface, Color Picker is easy to use, even if you're picking color codes for the first time.
How do I install the Color Picker for Chrome extension?
To install the Color Picker extension, visit the Chrome Web Store, search for 'Color Picker', and click the 'Add to Chrome' button. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Is the Color Picker extension free to use?
Yes, the Color Picker extension is completely free to use. You can download and use all its features without any cost.
Can the Color Picker detect any color on a webpage?
Yes, the Color Picker can detect and provide RGB and HEX values for any color visible on a webpage, including images and gradients.